For we walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians  5:7

MEN of FAITH Breakfast, Bible Study & Monthly Activity

Men of Faith exists to provide fellowship and encouragement to each man through two monthly events: a Saturday Breakfast, a Bible Study and a  monthly activity to share our faith and friendship. We are working to build one another up in Jesus Christ, while being authentic with one another. We support one  another by having opportunities to help with the challenges men face these days and continue to shine the light of God’s Word on each man’s path. We also love to have a good time so, make sure to join us and be a part of the growing group of men that connect with us from many different churches in the area.
Watch for dates of upcoming activities!

For more info: 
ACTIVITY     Brandon:  (TEXT)  417-592-4753 
 BREAKFAST    Bill:   bill@   417-439-2568
BIBLE STUDY:  John Sulier

We'd love to see you!